About Us

About ISNN

The International Society of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (ISNN) was established in 2005. The purpose of the society is to increase the understanding of the role of genetic variation in dietary response (nutrigenetics) and the role of nutrients in gene expression (nutrigenomics). This is accomplished collectively through research and education of professionals and the general public. The society serves as a focus for communication among interested scientists working in various disciplines including nutrition, genetics, cellular and molecular biology, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, clinical medicine, and public health research. 

About Conference

The International Conference titled “PRECISION NUTRITION IN NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES & OPTIMAL HEALTH” is scheduled from 5th to 7th December 2024 to be held in Mumbai, India. The aim of this conference is to understand the role of precision nutrition and its application in dietary recommendations for optimal health with emphasis on the concept of precision nutrition. It will also explore use of “OMICS” in medicine and its impact in public health, disease prevention and potential therapeutic applications to overcome deficiencies. The event will provide a platform for knowledge sharing among the fraternities of Nutritionists, Researchers, Academicians, Medicine and Clinical Practitioners, Pharmaceuticals and related stakeholders in the areas of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. The technical tracks and themes include Impact of Nutritional deficiencies in lifespan, translation of Nutrigenetics and precision nutrition to clinical practice, “Omics” approach and social determinants in precision nutrition and integrating traditional knowledge systems insights in to personalized Nutrition counselling.

About College

Sir Vithaldas Thackersey College of Home Science is the First Autonomous College in the State of Maharashtra. It is a constituent Empowered Autonomous College of the SNDT Women’s University. It is Re-accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade (4th Cycle) with a coveted UGC honor with the Potential for Excellence (CPE PHASE I- III; 2009-2020). The college has been conferred with the prestigious Rashtriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA-2) Infrastructure Grant (2018-2020). It was awarded the prestigious Best College Award of the S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai in 2021.

The institution offers Graduate and Masters Programs in the specialized field of Home Science. The main areas of specializations being offered in Graduate Programs are – Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Textiles and Apparel Designing, Human Development, Resource Management, and Mass Communication and Extension. The postgraduate programs offered in the Faculty of Science and Technology are in the areas of Specialized Dietetics, Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition, and Entrepreneurship Management and Business Development. The Masters programs offered in the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies is Masters in Design (Fashion Design). SVT Online programs offer courses in Advanced Bariatric Nutrition, Integration of Nutrition & Ayurveda and Interdisciplinary Management of PCOS Advanced Certification and Training.